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Great love, appreciation, and greetings to all of you partners and friends!

What an exciting and glorious month October has been, and such high expectations for November for you, your families, your Divine Destinies, and for us here at SCM!

Just to quickly recap, in October, we have seen the greatest number of people connecting with this powerful mission to impact our world as Patriots of the Kingdom of God and as patriots of these great United States. The excitement to see the Pocket Constitution get into more and more hands (and hearts) has been literally overwhelming! It is such a humbling experience to watch how wonderful people of our great nation are becoming impassioned about living in and defending their hard-purchased freedoms and liberty. I understand it seems to be a massively daunting vision to get these booklets into every American’s hands, but we can, “do all things through Christ that strengthens us!” We have also been blessed to see more and more people partner with us on this culture-changing mission. If you would like to help get these nation-changing tools into people’s lives you can partner here. Even $25 a month will help us advance the goal towards tangible reality.

Also, in October, we were presented with many opportunities to minister to, encounter, and energize diversely different groups of people in the power of freedom and liberty. There have been some amazing connections to local and national legislators and influencers that were unexpected, but very impactful. We, also, were encouraged to see more and more people receive and walk in their Divine Destiny truths that are illuminated through the message of the Finished Work of the Cross. 

We have been exceptionally touched by seeing the wonderful people of Beloved Church (website here) expanding their hearts and minds as the truths continue to be preached without reserve. We know that not many churches today are willing and open to hearing the hard but transformative truths of Scripture, a biblical worldview, and the Finished Work of the Cross… but just because something is unpopular does not make it wrong. In fact, the right thing is generally the hardest thing. That is why it is so important for us all to learn to lean on and rely on the empowering Grace of God!

Many folks from all over the nation have been regularly requesting updates on our legal battle against the tyrannical forces aligned against us and the church as a whole. So, I would like to try to catch everyone up in this letter and then encourage you to send this on to all of your patriotic friends and family so that they can follow our fight as well.

Our federal First Amendment lawsuit has just gained more momentum because of the unexpected death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The reason that it affected us was two-fold. Firstly, she was a jurist who was openly against some of the liberties we are fighting to defend, and so her position on the SCOTUS would have been tenuous for us at best… and potentially disastrous for us at worst. That is not said to malign her character or reputation on the court in any way, but to highlight the fact that she ideologically as a progressive was contrary to the power and purpose of the constitution as created by our wise Founding Fathers and their intentions. Secondly, Amy Coney Barrett was one of the justices who was serving on our Illinois 7th Circuit Court of Appeals select panel to make rulings on our current motion to vacate Judge Lee’s decisions. Judge Lee made an egregious ruling towards us in that he literally compared the church to a movie theater in activity, necessity and protection.

It has become commonplace for the Church to be marginalized, rejected, and despised by some of the most powerful people in America:

• Governor Cuomo (NY) has compared the Church to a bar.

• Governor Newsome (CA) has compared the Church to a shopping mall.

• Governor Pritzker (IL) has compared the Church to a bowling alley.

All of these governments have openly declared (and participated…) that marching with BLM and/or Antifa, going to the casino, getting an abortion, and stocking up on marijuana and liquor is WAY, WAY more necessary, important, and protected than the gathering together of the saints.

The advancement of Justice Barrett to the Supreme Court has created new opportunities for our case to be revisited with advanced and more reasonable science. We will also, soon, actually have a chance to give oral arguments to the 7th Circuit on November 14th, where little ole me, Pastor Steve, will have a personal chance to interact with the court. Please be praying and believing in the positive progression of our case in this regard. If we get a favorable ruling here, we are likely able to go all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States and judicially solidify the religious freedoms of all Americans, including generations yet unborn! Every day that passes and every new piece of legitimate science that comes out gives us another arrow in our quiver against government overreach! And with the new lay-of-the-land in the SCOTUS… EXCITING!

If you would like to help/partner with us on this national fight against the Draconian activities of these maniacal leaders you can learn how here. This has been an incredible ride and we are so deeply honored by the ones who have stood with us and said, “Enough is enough!” One thing is for sure, we are going to fight with all of our might and, whether they know it or not, we are fighting for the soul of all of America!

I love you greatly and cannot wait to see and hear from you again soon!

Pastor Steve Cassell and the SCM Team