Hello, my dearest friends and partners!
I pray this contact from us finds you experiencing prosperity and health as you are allowing your soul to greatly prosper. I also want to start out this letter by letting you know that I have been very purposeful about praying for you on a daily basis, and expect favor and supernatural occurrences of God’s amazing grace to happen to you all on a regular basis. I deeply desire that your intimacy and revelation of God and His Word is flooding your every moment in such a pronounced way that you become accustomed to His intervention in your every moment.
This last month has been one of great growth and opportunity for us here at SCM, and for the Message of the Finished Work of the Cross and how that relates to Freedom and Liberty. I was DEEPLY humbled and honored to be invited to speak at Andrew Wommack’s Truth and Liberty Conference in Woodland Park, CO. It was a powerful and impacting experience for both me and those that were in attendance on our mission to affect our world with change and Divine opportunity. I was incredibly busy ministering and communicating with hundreds of passionate believers in the essentiality of the Church and the roll we are to play as believers in this unprecedented time. I was truly blessed by the excitement that people had towards our mission and fight for Liberty.
One of the things that led to this opportunity was the interview I did on the Truth and Liberty Coalition program on Memorial Day. If you have not had a chance to see this wonderful exchange, please see it here: Pastor Steve Cassell on Truth and Liberty
Also, if you have not already checked into our landing page, you can find that here: A Call for Liberty
The interest and excitement over what we are called to accomplish here at SCM was indicative by the desire for our products. Just to give you a break down of what YOU, my faithful partners, provided while I was there:
• Over 300 Pocket Constitutions (published by our ministry) were distributed
• Over 70 USB “Keys to the Kingdom” message series
• Over 50 USB “Pandemic Response” series
• Hundreds of contact cards and business cards
All of this (thousands of dollars in materials) were provided FREE of charge to these folks because of how you have continued to support us… THANK YOU!
I also want you all to know that any of these materials, and especially the Pocket Constitution, are available to you, your friends, and your families upon request at any time. I would LOVE to send you a Pocket Constitution today! Please message us with that desire and your mailing address, and we will get one out to you.
We are sincerely looking at launching into some much higher impact opportunities with this message and these materials, so please be in prayer about doing this successfully and congruently with the heart of God. If you know of any gatherings (churches, political groups, businesses, etc.) that could benefit from this message of Liberty, please let us know!
We adore and value you greatly for what you have done to make this desire of my heart, and the purpose of the Kingdom a reality in our world today. Every time I travel and minister, I am tearfully reminded of you and how you made this happen for me. Again, if there is <u>anything</u> we can do for you in any way, please reach out.
Galatians 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
In great love,
Steve Cassell and the SCM team