My dear Beloved friends, family, and partners… I desire to excitedly declare to you our victory!
I know that many may be thinking, “but Pastor Steve… there is such turmoil in our nation… rioting and looting in the name of racial inequality… a pandemic striking fear into nearly all of humanity… a looming election process with dreaded emotional connections… and the churches are being openly persecuted and prosecuted! What victory?!?!” My friends… where are you looking? And even more importantly, to whom are you looking? We have been granted, by the unmerited favor of the lavish Grace of God, an eternal victory over this present evil world! That not only means the systems of control and influence of this world but also the authority and effects of this world. We have been translated from this broken realm into the Heavenly realm of the Loving Son of God!
This is not some imaginary or ethereal false reality. No Beloved. This is the actual, real, and eternal truth of who we are and Who’s we are. This is why we are encouraged to focus, fix our eyes upon, and stay fixed with the Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ our Lord. In just three short days, He singlehandedly defeated all the power and effects of death, hell, and the grave. If He can do that while facing the most difficult pressures any person has ever faced… what could that same Divine Champion do with your life and circumstances in just three short days?
I am encouraging you to set your face as a flint towards the prize and victory that already belongs to us through Jesus’ conquest. This will require us to wash ourselves from the anti-prophetic lies of the future doomsayers and, ESPECIALLY, to cleanse ourselves of the failures or false security of the past!
Hebrews 11:14-16
For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that [country] from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better [country], that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.
This was a truth that Abraham needed to full-heartedly embrace in order to possess the promise that belonged to him as sworn by an oath from God. This scripture makes it crystal clear that he had to NOT be “mindful” (full of mind, having your thinking dominated) of the “country” (former life, lifestyle, and people) that he was called out of, but to set his desire (affection, passion) on the “better country” (the promised land and the abundance therein). The reason that Abraham was able to do this in such trusting simplicity is because he believed that God HAD (past-tense) prepared for them a “city” in which to dwell. Did not Jesus promise us that He was going to “prepare a place for us”? Jesus is no liar and has done what He promised! For two-thousand years, Jesus has been going before us and powerfully yet lovingly been preparing a promised land for us to possess. Today is the day to possess your inheritance! Today is the day of salvation!
I just ministered on some of these powerful truths and I ask you to please listen with an open and humble heart to that message. I believe it will have a radical impact on you! (Watch here:
This October, I am expecting great things for YOU and for us at SCM. There are some powerful opportunities to connect with us in Colorado and Texas. I pray for the opportunities to see some you very soon! To see our travel dates and locations, you can keep up with us through our Facebook page and check this website. I would also like to remind you that we are believing for some big opportunities that you are invited to partner with. I desire to get a Pocket Constitution into the hands of every American in our nation (you included)! That’s a BIG goal, but totally within the realms of achievability through our Great God. I have also been presented an incredible opportunity at a facility to headquarter out of that is just a Divine setup. I am stretched on this one, I will be honest. It will take over $35,000 to get into and an increase of $1,100 a month in expenses. I say this not to tug at you in any way, but to help encourage us in our faith to really take hold of the dreams and desires that have been placed in our heart. This facility will be an enormous blessing to countless people for many, many years to come and I believe that it is totally congruent with my Father’s heart for His people. It is honestly one of the biggest things I have ever believed for but I honestly feel no pressure or anxiousness with it, simply because I trust that Jesus has already purchased my victory.
I deeply believe and pray for that very thing to be active in your life and heart. Every day when I pray over you, I declare that your health is of the Divine quality, your wealth is classified as “abundant”, your souls are prospering in unprecedented ways, and that any hinderances to these things are destroyed by the Grace of God. I know you humbly receive those prayers!
We love you greatly and are honored by your love, support, and prayers.
Multiplied favor and peace abound to you!
In the Love and Grace of Jesus,
Steve and the SCM Team