Hello, my greatly loved (beloved) family! What a glorious day and time we live in!
This is literally one of the most exciting times we have ever lived in, and I am the kinda guy that generally stays excited about things… There is a clarion call that is resonating from Heaven unto the earth that is shaking the children of God and impacting the lost. This is the sound of the Father’s will in Heaven being done on earth, exactly like our Lord Jesus told us to pray, “Thy will be done on earth AS it IS in Heaven.” The Father’s will is, has always been, and always will be: FREEDOM and LIBERTY!
For such a time as this! The wisdom and graciousness of God has raised me up, with your help and support, to become a herald in this time and to the people of this generation. I am being led that THIS IS the message for our time and generation because it embraces the heart of the Father. You are in a unique position of getting to see and participate in the re-birthing of the passion, look, and direction of all things Steve Cassell Ministries. What a day!
Most of you know that this ministry was birthed from the deep and fervent desire in my heart to reach into minister’s hearts and into the bride (The Church) to raise them up into the fullness of the stature of Christ. To take the WHOLE Gospel to the WHOLE world. I really honestly had no grid for the size and reach of what the Lord was laying on my heart until now. There has been a, “great and effectual door opened unto me,” and I cannot but march through it in courage and devotion.
Months before I started this ministry the Lord told me I would be a, “specialist in the King and the Kingdom.” This was another one of those prophetic truths that one just tends to believe, but not understand fully. Today, I see much clearer. It is undeniable that we live in a world where slavery, tyranny, and the evil control of the masses is openly the agenda of the kingdom of darkness. Freedom and liberty, through the blood of Jesus, is the light of the, “city set on a hill.” I see my calling is to increase the illumination of that city, because she has become shaded and cold. I was shocked and disheartened at how easily the church was closed and the God given rights of liberty were removed by government overreach. And the ministers allowed it. And the Americans allowed it. My heart was broken… so I fought. Now, we are winning!
This positions us in a VERY unique place and opportunity, my beloved family. The world is literally BEGGING for this message and awakening, and I am honored to bring it! Because of the national/international attention I have received during this fight against tyranny, we have more exposure then ever before! I am getting invites into places (houses of worship, political clubs, secular meetings) that I would have never imagined! This is why it is so pronounced and undeniable that my Father is positioning me and you to literally change the world!
I did not realize how I was created and molded for this moment and ministry until some very intimate people in my life pointed it out for me, sometimes even a blind dog can find a bone. On a side note, this is why it is so very important to have Godly and supportive people in your intimate circle. Here are some apparent grace gifts in me that culminate into being called and chosen for this world-wide influence:
• On the day that Jesus powerfully revealed his Love and Grace to me, there was a liberation of my heart that was so radical that it has affected me nearly everyday since.
• I have always been deeply patriotic and passionate about America, independence, and freedom.
• I studied U.S. History in college, thinking it was just a personal passion (how wrong I was…).
• On my desk sits a U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights, right next to my King James Bible… now I know why.
• I have been preaching, teaching, and ministering freedom and liberty through the Finished Work of the cross since I have been in ministry and did not fully see the correlation until this time.
• Some of my greatest heroes are the Founding Fathers and the patriots who were willing to fight and die for the concept and opportunity to have people truly free.
• I have had a deep revelation of the Cross and how that moment eternally changed the position of all mankind by destroying the tyranny, yoke, and bondage of sin, sickness, oppression, depression, poverty, and all other dark lies by the enemy.
• I have been pushed into obscurity in cornfield Illinois to deeply seat humility into my heart so that as the Lord raises my influence, humility stays my rock-solid foundation.
Look what the Lord has done… it is marvelous in our eyes.
This part will be a little awkward for me, so please give me some grace and mercy. This new direction for SCM will be amazing and challenging at the same time. We will need more support than ever before. We deeply COVET your prayers. We desire that you help us connect with people, ministries, churches, and organizations where the message of Liberty is necessary and will resound. We also need our finances to increase in a way that almost makes me uncomfortable… as we see how this new frontier is opened up to us, we also see the resources that will be necessary. We do not currently have those resources, but through the faithfulness of God and the sincerity of YOU, our partners, we can have all we need and more!
If you are currently a prayer/financial partner with us… THANK YOU! If you are not, will you pray about and consider becoming part of the army that supports us monthly in prayer and finances for this Divine mission?
I love and appreciate you more that I can express!
Let Freedom Reign in you!
In Great Love and Powerful Grace!
Steve Cassell