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Greetings in grace, dear friends and partners!

In just a few days, I leave to minister in Texas and Oklahoma, back to back. I am very excited about this trip for many reasons. The first one is that my lovely bride will be joining me mid-way through, so I get to minister to The Bride (the Church) with my bride… what fun! Next, I am excited because the “second edition” of the Pocket Constitution has arrived and I will be able to get these into the hands of the saints there. Thank you so much again to those of you who have helped us purchase these powerful tools that will be able to equip the saints. Also, a huge thank you to Andrew Wommack Ministries for the shipping and printing of these high-quality products. There is much to be excited about in our time, Beloved, and I write to stir you up in the opportunities that are before us.

While you are reading this, there are cities that are in violent protests and riots. The narrative of the “pandemic” changes every day and our nation continues to be ever more shackled by the repressive and tyrannical overreach of wicked and power-hungry politicians and other national leaders. While all of these terrible and wretched things are going on, I just cannot help but realize that the enemy is “overplaying his hand.” I firmly believe that some disinterested, mostly self-involved, and peripheral believers are waking up to the fact that it is time to engage our culture and world with the power of our King and His Kingdom. There has been a legitimate culling and pruning that has taken place over the last few weeks and months. I believe it has been healthy, overall, for the Body of Christ. I know that at Beloved Church, we have seen some of the most incredible things take place that we have been believing for literally for years. We baptized 25 people last month, have had countless healings take place, many marriages reconciled, and just a ton of people with testimony after testimony of the supernatural things that their Father has done and is doing for them. Our God is SOOOO faithful! What the enemy has intended for destruction, our God is using to save and touch many lives!

What is happening is way beyond me, praise Jesus. I just heard for the third time this month that another family is making plans to move to this area to be involved with what the Lord is doing through us at Beloved Church. Think about that for a moment… people are actually willing to change their entire life and move their family just to connect to a church family. That is not because of good preaching… great church programs… a super-pretty building… a forty-five-minute sermonette with three points and a poem. People do not walk away from everything for any of those plastic things. What is happening here and when I travel is nothing short of miraculous. It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes.

I am testifying to the amazing things happening here so that your faith can be stirred up for wherever you are. God is no respecter of persons… what He is doing in and through the Beloved family, He desires for all people in all places. There is a great and effectual door that is being opened unto the REAL Church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Head of that Church is beaconing us through, but there seems to be much trepidation. I am praying and believing that you are filled with boldness and courage in this time. The fearful and willingly oppressed are being destroyed every day for lack of knowledge and lack of vision.

If you are struggling in revelation of vision, please reach out to us so we can pray and minister with you. One of the greatest desires I have through starting Beloved and SCM was to create opportunities to get sons of God into their Divine Destiny… And today is the day!

I love you more than I can express!

In the Love and Grace of Jesus,

Steve Cassell and the SCM Team